Jarra Investment Trust Ten

An unlisted commercial property investment fund established to develop and sell two new state of the art early learning centres, Nido Early School Butler and Green Leaves Early Learning, Thornlie.

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With extensive experience and having delivered more than 30 childcare developments, Jarra’s conviction in the childcare sector is due to the defensive nature of the industry and the long-term lease structure.

With construction of both assets completed mid to late 2024, Investors in this commercial property investment Fund are enjoying exposure to a defensive asset class underpinned by long term leases to two national tenants, and a favourable investment structure providing potential for capital growth.

Fund Statistics

  • 1.22x

    Equity Multiple

  • 18.7%

    Projected Investment IRR

  • 16%

    Priority Investor Return, before profit sharing with Jarra

  • $4m

    Equity Raise

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Jarra Investment Trust Ten

Investment Highlights

Like all Jarra’s commercial property investment Funds, Jarra Investment Trust Ten was structured to mitigate and reduce risk and maximise returns for wholesale Investors. To mitigate and reduce the Fund’s exposure to development-related risk, Jarra satisfied a number of conditions prior to land settlement of both assets, this included having Development Approvals, Agreement for Leases and formal offers for the construction debt facilities to fund the balance of the capital required to deliver the Centres.

Our extensive due diligence process and conditions precedent are vital steps in the investment process and were all satisfied prior to investment.

Internal fit out of Nido Early School Butler in Western Australia which was developed by Jarra as part of a commercial property investment fund

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