Jarra Investment Trust Twenty Eight

An unlisted property investment fund established to develop a portfolio of sixteen residential homes to be leased to Identitywa, an agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth.

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Now fully subscribed, this Fund presented Investors with an exciting opportunity to invest in a portfolio of high quality, contemporary homes located across metropolitan Perth at a cost base that is less than market value. Designed and constructed in accordance with the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Design Standards, the houses will provide better quality accommodation for people currently supported by Identitywa.

Jarra and Identitywa worked collaboratively to select property locations and design the homes to be developed by the Fund. With construction commencing in January 2025, the sixteen homes are located across eight Perth metropolitan suburbs. With Perth’s residential property market experiencing double digit price growth over the past 18 months, we maintain a positive medium-term outlook for the Fund, amidst growing population and ongoing residential land supply constraints.

Fund Statistics

  • 1.76x

    Equity Multiple

  • 14%

    Projected Investment IRR

  • 5-year

    Investment Term

  • $12m

    Equity Raise

Artist impression of the external render of a house in a portoflio of homes Jarra is developing for Jarra Investment Trust Twenty Eight

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Jarra Investment Trust Twenty Eight

Investment Highlights

Prior to investment, Jarra structured the Fund so that a number of key project milestones were satisfied to reduce the Fund’s exposure to development related risk.

Internal fit out of Nido Early School Butler in Western Australia which was developed by Jarra as part of a commercial property investment fund

Investing with Jarra

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