childcare investment



Jarra presents wholesale investors with high-quality investment opportunities that create wealth by adding value, mitigating risk and preserving capital throughout the property investment lifecycle.

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JARRA's investment


Explore Jarra's diverse fund portfolio. Each fund has clearly articulated investment strategy intended to outperform the expectations of wholesale investors.

  • commercial property investment
    investment opportunities

    Jarra is pleased to invite you to participate in our latest unlisted commercial property investment fund established to develop a new early learning centre, Nido Early School Australind.

  • Photo of the forecourt of BP Greenwood, the asset in Ladybug Investment Trust Eight, a commercial property investment fund managed by Jarra, a Western Australian property developer and fund manager
    investment opportunities

    A fully subscribed, single-asset commercial property investment Fund, with a strategy to develop and hold a BP fuel station in Greenwood, City of Joondalup, over a 5 year term.

  • commercial property investment
    investment opportunities

    An unlisted commercial property investment fund established to develop and sell two new state of the art early learning centres, Nido Early School Butler and Green Leaves Early Learning, Thornlie.

  • childcare centre investment
    investment opportunities

    An unlisted property investment fund to develop Bloom Early Education Bennett Springs, selling the asset as soon as practicable after Lease commencement.

  • Photo of a specialist disability accommodation villa in Mandurah, developed by Jarra, a Western Australian property developer and fund manager, as one of the assets in Jarra Investment Trust Twenty Five
    investment opportunities

    A fully subscribed, unlisted property investment fund established to develop and hold 4 Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Villas in Mandurah, Western Australia.

  • Artist impression of the external render of a house in a portoflio of homes Jarra is developing for Jarra Investment Trust Twenty Eight
    investment opportunities

    An unlisted property investment fund established to develop a portfolio of sixteen residential homes to be leased to Identitywa, an agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth.

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