Attractive Investment Structure
Investors enjoy a 15.0% Investor Coupon during construction and 35.0% of any realised Development Profit
An unlisted property investment fund to develop Bloom Early Education Bennett Springs, selling the asset as soon as practicable after Lease commencement.
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Now fully subscribed and with construction of the asset completed mid 2024, the Fund exposes Investors to a defensive asset class underpinned by a 15-year lease to one of Western Australia’s most experienced childcare industry professionals, offering favourable investment structure providing potential for capital growth.
Equity Multiple
Projected Investment IRR
Priority Investor Return, before profit sharing with Jarra
Equity Raise
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Jarra Investment Trust Sixteen
Jarra structured the Fund to mitigate and reduce exposure to development-related risks, this included having Development Approval, lease terms agreed and satisfactory construction costings prior to investment. Our extensive due diligence process and conditions precedent are vital steps in the investment process and were all satisfied prior to investment.
Investors enjoy a 15.0% Investor Coupon during construction and 35.0% of any realised Development Profit
Bloom’s Senior Management team has over 40 years experience in the WA childcare sector, with a demonstrated record of successfully operating over 45 childcare services.
The childcare industry is recognised by both major Australian political parties as a key driver of labour force participation.
The Lease will be a 15-year term with 3.0% p.a. fixed escalations and 4 x 5-year options.
The site presented strong fundamentals for surrounding urban development, high exposure to passing traffic and will be a key site for the future Bennett Springs East rail station.
The Centre is a high-quality, new, purpose-built childcare centre designed in collaboration with the tenant.
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